世界银行:2024营商环境成熟度评估报告 ( 英文 212页)


世界银行:2024营商环境成熟度评估报告 ( 英文 212页)

2024年10月3日,世界银行发布《2024营商环境成熟度评估报告》(Business Ready 2024,以下简称《报告》)。作为世界银行新一轮营商环境评估的首批成果,《报告》涵盖了包括新加坡、中国香港、新西兰等50个经济体在市场准入、获取经营场所、公共基础设施服务、劳动力、金融服务、国际贸易、税收、争议解决、市场竞争和企业破产这十大指标的评估结果


Foreword xi

Acknowledgments xv

Executive Summary xix

Abbreviations lvii

1. Introduction 1

What is Business Ready ? 2

Topics and pillars 5

Data collection and governance 9

Organization of the report 12

Notes 12

References 13

2. B-READY 2024 Data and Summary Results 15

Introduction 15

Performance by pillar 15

Performance by topic 24

Relationship between business readiness and economic indicators 30

Comparison of economies’ B-READY pillar scores with their

performance on Doing Business metrics 35

Notes 39

References 39

3. B-READY Pillar Results 41

Introduction 41

How do pillar scores offer insights into where reform is most needed? 42

How do the pillar scores vary across regions and income levels? 50

How does the public services gap vary by economy income,

region, and business environment performance? 54

Notes 60

References 60

4. B-READY Topic Results 61

Overview of B-READY topics 61

Topic 1. Business Entry 62

Topic 2. Business Location 64

Topic 3. Utility Services 67

Topic 4. Labor 70

Topic 5. Financial Services 72

Topic 6. International Trade 74

Topic 7. Taxation 77

Topic 8. Dispute Resolution 79

Topic 9. Market Competition 81

Topic 10. Business Insolvency 84

What do the topic scores tell us? 86

How do the topic scores relate to one another? 90

How do the topic scores vary across regions and income levels? 94

What do the data reveal about the cross-cutting themes of digital adoption, environmental sustainability, and gender? 103

Digital adoption 104

Environmental sustainability 106

Gender 109

Notes 112

References 113

5. Lessons Learned and What Is Next 121

Refinements implemented during B-READY 2024 121

Specific update for B-READY 2025 124

Notes 125

References 126

Appendix A: Topic Scores 127

Appendix B: Auxiliary Data 147


ES.1 Comparison of the key features of Doing Business and B-READY xx

ES.2 Assessing business climate conditions: Insights from examples of B-READY indicators xxiv

ES.3 Data validation and quality assurance xxviii

1.1 Comparison of the key features of Doing Business and B-READY 2

1.2 Scoring 7

1.3 Data validation and quality assurance 10

2.1 Balancing dual perspectives: Measuring firm flexibility and social benefits 35


ES.1 B-READY topics correspond to various stages of the life cycle of a firm and examine three cross-cutting themes xxiii

ES.2 B-READY pillars define the scope of the project xxiv

ES.3 B-READY relies on data obtained directly from experts and enterprises xxviii

ES.4 The distribution of economies by income level varies considerably across pillars and by performance xxxiv

ES.5 Strong performance is not confined to a small group of economies, but all have room for improvement xl

ES.6 The association between B-READY pillar scores and GDP per capita is strong and positive, with notable exceptions xli

ES.7 Low-income and middle-income economies can be found in the top two quintiles in every topic xlii

ES.8 Public Services is the B-READY pillar with the widest range and weakest performance, on average xliii

ES.9 Pillar II, Public Services, largely drives the variation in the business environment across economies xliv

ES.10 Most economies suffer from a “public services gap”: Their scores for Public Services are lower than their scores for Regulatory Frameworks xlv

ES.11 The “public services gap” is evident across regions, income levels, and topics xlvi

ES.12 The “public services gap” closes remarkably as the business environment improves xlviii

ES.13 For most economies, scores on the Operational Efficiency pillar are higher than the average scores on the Regulatory Framework pillar and the Public Services pillar xlix

ES.14 Firms are resilient to the “public services gap” across topics l

ES.15 The distribution of scores shows scope for improvement across all topics l

ES.16 Economies with a favorable business environment in one topic tend to perform well in others li

1.1 B-READY’s comprehensive approach to private sector development 4

1.1 Comparison of the key features of Doing Business and B-READY 2

1.2 Scoring 7

1.3 Data validation and quality assurance 10

2.1 Balancing dual perspectives: Measuring firm flexibility and social benefits 35

1.2 B-READY topics correspond to various stages of the life cycle of a firm and examine three cross-cutting themes 5

1.3 B-READY pillars define the scope of the project 6

1.4 B-READY relies on data obtained directly from experts and enterprises 10

1.5 B-READY will roll out over a three-year period 11

2.1 The distribution of economies by income level varies considerably across pillars and by performance 22

2.2 Strong performance is not confined to a small group of economies, but all have room for improvement 28

2.3 The association between B-READY pillar scores and GDP per capita is strong and positive, with notable exceptions 31

2.4 There is a strong association between B-READY pillar scores and foreign direct investment 33

2.5 Low-income and middle-income economies can be found in the top two quintiles in every topic 34

B2.1.1 Firm flexibility and social benefits scores for Pillars I and II 36

2.6 The correlation between B-READY pillar scores and Doing Business scores is high 38

3.1 B-READY 2024 scores: Pillars I, II, and III 45

3.2 Public Services is the B-READY pillar with the widest range and weakest performance, on average 48

3.3 Pillar II, Public Services, largely drives the variation in the business environment across economies 50

3.4 B-READY pillar scores, by region and income level 52

3.5 Most economies suffer from a “public services gap”: Their scores for Public Services are lower than their scores for Regulatory Frameworks 55

3.6 The “public services gap” is evident across regions, income levels, and topics 56

3.7 The “public services gap” closes remarkably as the business environment improves 58

3.8 For most economies, scores on the Operational Efficiency pillar are higher than the average scores on the Regulatory Framework pillar and the Public Services pillar 59

4.1 The distribution of scores shows scope for improvement across all topics 88

4.2 Firms are resilient to the “public services gap” across topics 89

4.3 Economies with a favorable business environment in one topic tend to perform well in others 90

4.4 Relationship between topic scores and the average score of all topics 92

4.5 B-READY topic scores, by region 95

4.6 B-READY topic scores, by economy income level 99

4.7 Contribution of the topic scores to each of the three B-READY pillar scores, by economy 102


ES.1 B-READY 2024 performance, by pillar xxix

ES.2 B-READY 2024 performance, by topic xxxvii

2.1 B-READY 2024 performance, by pillar 16

2.2 B-READY 2024 performance, by topic 25

3.1 B-READY 2024 pillar scores 43

4.1 Business Entry 64

4.2 Business Location 66

4.3 Utility Services 69

4.4 Labor 71

4.5 Financial Services 73

4.6 International Trade 76

4.7 Taxation 78

4.8 Dispute Resolution 81

4.9 Market Competition 83

4.10 Business Insolvency 85

4.11 Summary statistics, B-READY topic scores 87

4.12 Digital public services measured by B-READY topics 105

4.13 Environmental sustainability indicators measured by B-READY topics 107

4.14 Gender indicators covered by B-READY topics 110

A.1 Business Entry 127

A.2 Business Location 129

A.3 Utility Services 131

A.4 Labor 133

A.5 Financial Services 135

A.6 International Trade 137

A.7 Taxation 139

A.8 Dispute Resolution 141

A.9 Market Competition 143

A.10 Business Insolvency 145

B.1 Auxiliary data 147

[报告关键词]:   营商环境  
























