Overview: Exciting possibilities ahead as fintech goes mainstream 3
Macro trends affecting banking: New challenges on the horizon 4
Regulatory landscape: Regulations reducing, but technology brings new complexity 5
Fintech: Collaboration not disruption 6
Robotics: Robots are not quite ready to take over the world (or take our jobs) 7
Technology: Technology is creating new ways of working,
but humans remain important 8
Anti-Money Laundering: Battling financial crime through technology 9
Deals: Hong Kong to go green 10
Conduct: Conduct is the new focus 11
Culture: Spotlight on bank culture 12
Banks’ booking models: Hong Kong gains traction as regional booking hub 13
Non-Performing Loans: NPL outlook for Hong Kong is promising with expectation of positive developments in China 14
Non-Financial Regulatory Reporting: The next issue for enforcement? 15
Tax: Tax policy makes Hong Kong a more attractive place to do business 16
Strategy: A year of growth 17
Contact Us 18