建筑信息模型(BIM)为工程和建筑行业带来了巨大的生产力提升和竞争优势。 它提供更大的透明度和协作比原先孤立的业务更具有新的高度。 拥抱BIM的建筑材料制造商和经销商将获得更多和更高价值销售的利益。
Building information modeling (BIM) promises major productivity gains—and a competitive shakeup—for the engineering and construction industry. It offers much greater transparency and collaboration than is currently possible in this highly siloed business. Building materials manufacturers and distributors that embrace BIM will reap the benefit of expanded and higher-value sales.
The Opportunity in Building Materials
By doing more than build object libraries, companies can use BIM to create consider-able value. They can customize their object libraries to highlight their capabilities. They can deliver higher-value offerings such as pre-assembled modules. And they can use materials embedded with sensors to move into facilities management.
How to Get BIM-Ready
Adopting BIM must be a project that goes beyond IT to encompass strategy, human resources, marketing and sales, R&D, and operations.