Are you ready for Industry 4.0?
2017 Global Impact Report
Deloitte Global Chief Executive Officer
and Chairman of the Board letter 3
Revenue 4
Total headcount 7
New hires 9
Societal impact 10
Voluntary value 11
Deloitte’s WorldClass vision 13
Why purpose matters in Industry 4.0 15
Mapping a route to success 17
Bridging the physical-to-digital divide 20
Why strategy matters in Industry 4.0 22
Why Deloitte’s leadership matters 23
Say “hello” to the augmented workforce 25
Transforming talent 28
Why talent matters in Industry 4.0 32
Why Deloitte’s leadership matters 33
Physical, meet digital 35
The art of the possible 38
Why execution matters in Industry 4.0 41
Why Deloitte’s leadership matters 42
Outlook from leadership 43
Leadership and governance 44
Network structure 45
Locations 46
Deloitte core services 47
Ethics 48
Independence 50
Information security, privacy and confidentiality 51
Risk management 52
Network challenges and responses 53
Public policy 54
Global security 55
Sustainability 56
Reporting process and materiality 58
Performance metrics 59
Basis of reporting 66
Stakeholder engagement summary 74